Friday 12 August 2011

No. 3 - "All the leaves are Brown..."

Now don't get me wrong, I love the sunshine as much as the next person. However summer never seems to stick around for long and it certainly leaves me with a desperate hankering for all things Autumn to hit the shops! I am sucker for hats/scarves/gloves/boots/crisp mornings/christmas (you get the idea!)


What season do you prefer?

Monday 1 August 2011

No. 2 - Ice-cream, Wasps & Cupcakes

Finally, after what seemed like an absolute ETERNITY, that big yellow thing in the sky decided to grace us with its presence! And it seemed like the perfect opportunity to bang on a maxi-dress and take the wee scallywag down to a local Funday that was going on!

Walking down the aisles of little stalls whilst Bo slept was just heavenly. So many little tables with handmade soaps and trinkets, I was in my element! I'm not 100% sure as to whether my purse being empty was a nusiance or a blessing :)

The little man and I had our picnic lunch and watched the world go by until.... DUN DUUN DUUUN!! Someone spotted the ice-cream van. Now I for one was mighty impressed with my 16 month olds skills to pick out an ice-cream van in the middle of a crowded field. (I think he gets it from me y'know!)

Moi, as usual managed to choose him the messiest one I could find and then spent the whole time flapping about like an idiot as we were swarmed (swarmed like the plague I tell thee!) by WASPS! I am not a pretty sight around wasps. I swear one day someone will come and ask me if I have lost my medication ;)
A little someone enjoying himself whilst I get attacked by wasps :(

After finally clearing the dude up we mooched on round for a bit longer and I stumbled across the most gorgeous cupcake stall. They were so busy and were flying off the stand like hot cakes. (See what I did there?) And it certainly would be rude not to have one! 

Apologies for the rubbish picture! The boy was screaming because he wanted
to eat it pronto! Marshmallow Delight and delightful it was...

Such a lovely little website and lovely people at the stall. I think that I will be popping in again soon for a batch for an expectant mummy I know!

Are you a sucker for a cupcake?

Monday 25 July 2011

No. 1 - With A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That...

After 'umming and ahhing' and with lots of staring rediculously at a blank screen for what seemed like an eternity, I kind of (I say kind of - I still haven't decided!) decided what to write as a very exciting first blog post.

Ok so it's not actually very exciting at all, but it's a step into the unknown! I thought that I would share a few photos of July's shenanigans.

My little dude playing with some waterbeads -
He had a ball...

Making a splash in the neighbours paddling pool...

After possibly a few too many Sailor Jerry's...

A gorgeous summers day, feeding the ducks at Moors Valley...
I hope the sun comes back to us again soon, I need a burger and a beer fix (BBQ-woo!)

So that was my very exciting first blog post about something and nothing!
It's quite nice this blogging lark, I think one shall return!

Ciao for now... xx